Very busy these last few days!! Besides the bookings and auditions for K, I've tried to slip in some quality time with my friends (in person), organize my house for K's new (and gigantic) bunk bed and find time in between to catch up with my darling D. I think we saw each other this weekend.
Here are a few of the things currently making me happy:
My loves D and K (of course)
The look on K's face when she saw her new bed (and bedding)
The look on D's face when said bed was put together (thanks to our strong and manly friend LE, you rule!!)
The way my daughter looked at her photoshoot on Saturday for Hanna Andersson
The great job she did at that photoshoot even though the first shot was difficult
The fact that that they had her stay to do more and are having her back today (and tomorrow!)
D's cold is finally gone, which means more cuddling now
Audition for a job in Costa Rica (a girl can dream, no?)
My friends. My real friends. After "all the drama" I was skittish and afraid to trust. D told me not to live this way, so I let it go. What I discovered was an army of the best people in the world. I cherish and value them completely. I take the time to call, write, text and visit as much as possible. I am happy and blessed to have these people in my life. Letting go of that fear opened me up to a whole new place and I have invited even more people into. I was once accused of only having only virtual friends by someone who didn't know really know me at all. Now, while I make the rounds I think of that and laugh.
K's new bed. It's a serious piece of furniture, I will post a picture of it soon. Turning her little girl room into an oasis of cool was fun for me, even though it reminds me of how fast she's growing up.
My new Tory Burch boots. Sorry but they make me happy and they are gorgeous. I've already been stopped a million times and asked about them. Score!
My friend Alex and her incredible talent. She did a shoot with K on Friday and managed to snap a few of me and K. For the first time in my life I didn't cringe when she posted the picture on Facebook. In fact, I immediately put it up on my page. I may post it here, still undecided. This brings me to:
Love. I am happy for love. Happy that after years of stumbling around it and finding it impossible to fully let go, I am learning that it isn't so hard. I'm not just talking about romantic love, although that is included in this, I mean love of life, love of friends, love of the uncertainty of things. I think what I've recently learned is that love is what's on the other side of fear. Once you leap over the fear you can find love in anything. All those years I held on to the fear and I never knew why. It wasn't fear of the unknown. It was fear of love and I know now that there is nothing to fear about love. I know I've written about love before but this is a different kind of love. It encompasses all. It's what I found on the other side of fear, not hate. I don't really hate, I don't see the point.
So once again I've gone off on a tangent but ended up in a realization. I've made a list that includes, boots, furniture and a profound truth. All this on a Monday morning.
I can't wait to see what this week brings!
Peace and love and truth and destiny to you all.
I am happy you overcame your fear of love because you are one person who has an abundance of love to give! Bravo to you for not letting the emotional vampires keep you oppressed from blessing those around you.
ReplyDeletep.s. please text me a photo of your beloved TB boots. heehee.