Check this out Soles 4 Souls is a wonderful and easy way to help the relief effort in Japan. It doesn't cost a cent either, because if you are like me you have old shoes in your closet. Those shoes that don't quite fit right or those boots that you had to have but don't really go with anything. Now you can get rid of them and not feel guilty about wasting money. I cannot tell you how much I love this organization. to date they have distributed over 13 million pairs of shoes worldwide. K's school collected 250 pairs for this during a shoe drive yesterday. This morning we held our own.
So last year when K and I collected shoes for this, it really helped her deal with the earthquake in Haiti, her desire to help was huge as she emptied her closet. I did the same. I was actually amazed at some things I still had. Thee were shoes in there from my first marriage, some of them even dated back to my New York days. It was a nice way to purge while helping those who truly needed the help.
This weekend Sports Chalet is collecting shoes for immediate distribution in Japan. This will be the first stop we make today.
Originally this weekend was going to be for cleaning/purging/writing/whatever. It never works out that way. This week was going to be all about catch-up but that never really happened either. I did manage to do laundry (a job usually done by D) and cook a few meals. I played class photographer for K's Olympics Day at school, but mostly I schlepped her around. Luckily it paid off. She booked a big job that works tomorrow, putting an end to any plans I had on Sunday.
The one thing that will get done is a trip to Sports Chalet. The bag is filling as we speak which males me happy.
I love my little family and the way we ALL keep things that we have outgrown. Today that little habit will be helping a family that has lost everything.
Now go clean out your closets!!
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