We're going on vacation tomorrow, first one in a long time. At least one that isn't an oblication (a phrase I coined after one too many family visits). I'm thrilled to be getting away for a whole week of R and R but am utterly exhausted by the preparation for it. Besides making sure we have everything we need like clothing, sunscreen, medication (just in case) first aid (because I know my daughter), reading material, stocked iPods, cute bathing suits (that's just me) and comfy shoes (so NOT me) I need to make sure we are safe. I know I'm overly protective here but we're going to a place that has been hit with incidents. When I found out we were landing at night I went ballistic. I insisted D call the resort and secure a shuttle for us. I've been to parts of Mexico already, I know the annoyance of dealing with transportation to the resorts. I actually felt kinda sick until I saw the email from the resort guaranteeing our ride. That helped.
Today K and I went for mani/pedis, a vacation must, who wants yucky hands and feet while traveling? We also picked up a few last minute things like beach shoes for me, when I purged my closet a few months ago I got rid of all my old shoes. I also needed shorts. I hate shorts and prefer skirts but decided to try to find some, Old Navy is perfect for this. I also got a casual dress to wear over swimsuits. I can pretty much tell you now that I will be living in this dress the whole week. K got another pair of flip flops. I swear that girl has a pair for every day. Her orange and green toes look very cute in her new bright pink flip flops, didn't we used to call them thongs? All of my new beachy shoes look cute with the bright pink toes I am sporting, K loves to pick out my color and she chose well this time.
We came home and started pulling clothes, actually I pulled clothes and K put her plane bag together. I wish I knew what her thought process was, the things she deems as necessities baffle me. After we discussed the reasons she didn't need 10 dry erase markers and doll shoes I filled it with Junnie B Jones books, a journal, her iPod and some markers. I have a feeling she won't use any of this stuff anyway, we are also bringing the ultimate babysitter.
People keep asking me what we have planned during our stay and I tell them nothing. No running around from tourist trap to silly trinket markets, we'll be lounging by the pool, playing in the giant water part our resort has, running on the beach (OK, playing on the beach), and eating, lots and lots of eating. I'm glad my vacation wardrobe is elastic. I'm actually pretty proud of my suitcase ready-pile, so is D, I'm bringing a few skirts, tanks and some dresses (and of course swimsuits and shoes) not only a tiny amount of clothing but tiny items of clothing. I better make sure I don't eat too much or I'll be coming home in an oversize t-shirt.
Oh yeah, no wi-fi at the hotel which means no Facebook, no email, no texting and NO BLOGGING! I'm pretty bummed about the last one, I've managed to have some sort of entry for every day since I started this. The resort does have a computer center so if I am totally jonesing for the interwebs I'll be able to get a quick fix. A whole week without online ranting might do permanent damage to my psyche. I will have my iPhone because it is now my iPod, if I get really desperate at least I'll have that. Just don't tell D, I'll worry about that when the bill comes in, or when he reads this, whichever comes first.
I'll say my goodbyes tomorrow so for now adios!!
Just have a fabulous time! You truly deserve it!