OK, we've been back since late Friday night and it's taken this long to get back into the swing of things. Honestly I'm not even close to being fully back. I feel like I've been drifting through the days on auto-pilot. Saturday D took K to karate, she was in the local 4th of July parade (a huge deal in this Los Angeles suburb) and we wanted to make sure she knew what they were doing. After that we did nothing, we lounged by the pool and I decided it would be fun to make margaritas, so I did. Lots of them. The more I had the more creative I became. I think I invented a new one: the Mojitarita, I was running out of mixes and used a mojito mix, it was pretty good.
After that we must have had dinner, I just can't remember (nice). Then we watched Toy Story, K wants to see the new one but think it's important to know the whole story. I got about twenty minutes into it and then I fell asleep. Mucho tequila will do that to me. I went to bed hoping the gallon of water I drank would offset any kind of hangover. Walking a few miles hung over was not something I was really into. It worked, I woke up feeling fine and ready for my role as proud mama and unofficial dojo photographer. We had some breakfast and walked into town with our friend L who came to see K and the parade. After some rehearsing at the dojo we all walked to the parade area and waited for our turn to march. We live in a strange place, it's kind of out of the way and feels like a small town but it's a mecca for celebrities and industry types. We are lucky and happy to be here, and although we share a zip code with Speilberg, Hanks, Kidman and Affleck we do not live like they do.
We hung out patiently while the kids played, we greeted old friends we haven't seen in a while and avoided a few that we see all too often. Small towns are the same wherever they are apparently. Finally it was time to go and the kids lined up and took off. I was always a few feet in front of them trying to get some shots. They did an amazing job, doing the 27 karate movements, jump kicks and board breaking. A few of them did splits, I'm happy to say that K was one of them. I was so proud of her! At the end of the parade I had snapped over 300 pictures and couldn't wait to get home and see them, hoping to get a few good ones. After the parade we were invited (actually, we invited ourselves) over to friends in Studio City who had a beautiful house and a killer view of about eight different firework presentations. We had to wait though, the parade and clean up takes a while and our route is closed. We came home and rested a bit, actually I don't know if it was resting, K made L play with her and D made us all some food. I went to work editing my pictures. I was happy, I got some great shots. In fact when all was said and done I burned 266 pictures onto a disk for sensei.
After the roads were clear we were off to our friend's house. I love this couple, we never see them enough though. They have a son A who is a little older than K and a 2 year old girl R who is seriously so adorable just one glimpse of her smiling face can do wonders for a bad mood. After the usual few minutes of shyness K and A took off only to be seen when food or fireworks were available. The night was fun, we knew everyone in the house from previous get togethers. After the fireworks the Wii came out the kids, big and small were completely entertained. I was on the couch and fell asleep, this time it wasn't from drinking, I think it was pure exhaustion. Walking for miles during the day wasn't restful.
We came home, dropped K in her bed and D opened a bottle of wine, for the first time in, well, ever, I declined. I sat and listened to D and L talk for a while and then went to bed. I'm not sure if they were shocked by my lack of drinking or talking. Either way I was in no mood to do both. The next day all I wanted to do was sit by the pool and finish my book, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. I was so close to finishing and although I didn't want the book to end I couldn't wait to see what happens.
That brings us to today. For the first time in over a a week and a half I had to drive, shop and cook. It wasn't too bad. K and I did some painting and then I took her to karate. I also needed to drop off the CD with all the parade pictures. We came home and I made the first healthy dinner we had in a long time. It involved no pork products or sugar, there were even green things.
I kept a mini vacation journal which I will post tomorrow, I would have done it live from Mexico but I took a news/phone/text/email/technology break and it was awesome. I've even noticed a decline in my Facebook activity since I've been back. I might have lost my energy but I clearly left my stress and angst in Mexico!
I'm incredibly happy that you're back (I felt so lost without you...haha) but we ALWAYS need a break! Coincidently, your vacation and my staycation happened at the same time but I never got to the beach. Damn Cali weather.